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Fun App for orderong cupcakes deliveries.
Fun App for orderong cupcakes deliveries.
Fun App for orderong cupcakes deliveries.
Soundudes is a Soundcloud back office system that enables the user to track their fans activity. I helped designed 15 screens
for the beta version.
Soundudes is a Soundcloud back office system that enables the user to track their fans activity. I helped designed 15 screens
for the beta version.
Collaboration with Mikka Ronen
Foody is a food channel that can be ordered on demand.
Our goal was to make the access as easy as possible,

One of the best features is the recipe icon.
Once clicked, the recipe takes over the screen and the ingredients can be added to a shopping bag and be linked to an online groceries shopping website.
The main screen is the VOD screen where all the content is shown.
If users want to see their options whilst
a show is on, the screen will contract to the right corner.

At the wire frame stage we realized the biggest challenge
of this interface is the language.
The Hebrew language is written from right to left.
The first wire frames were all left to right and than we corrected them to be right to left, like you can see here.
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