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Sleep monitoring for autistic children.

Project Type
24 Hours hackathon for children on the spectrum
Ux Ui Design, working under stress.
My Role
UX UI designer
72 hours 12.2020
ASPER - HUJI Innovate
ASPER-HUJI Innovate is The Hebrew University Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
The Hackathon purpose was to find a solution to the violence problem in Israeli kindergartens.
We won third place and received a cash reward for further development.

Biositter Solution
The solution is based on a wearable device
(a small, non transmitting smart watch) which gives information regarding the physiological indicators of the child during his day at kindergarten.

Exceptional events
In case of an unusual event, the app Indicators will alert the parent.
In this case, the child was crying more than usual at around 4pm.

The caregiver
Due to standards of privacy and concern for the health of the child in terms of radiation from the device, the parent will only be able to see the data after the child returns home. The indication will also be able to show if the exceptional case was specific to their child or included the entire kindergarten.

The video
A short video that was made in the last couple of hours of the hackathon to give a clearer overview of the product:
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