App that helps take control of one's health
Winning project
Hackautism 2.0
by Microsoft.

Project Type
Immersion course project
Ux complete process
My Role
UX Designer
6 months
The problem
Modern medicine does not solve many of today's medical problems (especially chronic diseases) while doctors give medications and create dependence and other problems, many of these medical issues can be solved with proper nutrition and a healthier lifestyle.
Gives the user the information they need to improve their health through testing and follow-up.
Helping people take control of their health.

The Research
I interviewed potential users from different and diverse backgrounds.
The conclusions led to 3 personas, one major in which I will concentrate

The Main Persona - David
Age: 65 years old
Location: Jerusalem
Status: Divorced, in a relationship
Occupation: pensioner
Diabetes for 26 years
About: David is living with his girlfriend who loves cooking for him, so he eats whatever she gives him, it's like his health is in her hands.
David needs to find a way to take care of himself.

The Flow - Premium user
The Journey
Scenario: David needs to change his diet to improve his deteriorating health, he has already tried apps and dietitians but the dietary recommendations he received made him give up quickly.
OWNWAY- David will learn all about his health in the test result screen. In addition a weekly menu is tailored for him, he can simply choose one of 3 meals each day and to make things easier all the items from the menu will be added to the shopping list, making it simple to plan the week a head.
> Phase 1
Booking an appointment with the nurse
Scheduling the date and time.
The results from the tests are in
Blood test, Dna test, Ekg test
A weekly menu is also ready based on the result for maximum productivity

> Phase 2
> Phase 3
The Usability testing
The tests were conducted at a very early stage of the design.
I wanted to understand if the potential users show any interest in the product and if my premise is correct.
In addition I wanted to check if the screens can be understood without or with little explanation

The Scenario
The Participants
6 people participated in the usability tests.
At different ages, different health conditions and with different technical abilities

The Findings - Premium user
1. Book a nurse
Feature: Schedule an appointment with a nurse so she can take metrics on which the weekly menu will be based.
In this screen the user need to choose the date and time suitable for them.
The date and time are divided to 2 screens which made it complicated when the user need to know the available time slots in-order to decide on a date.

The iteration - Book a nurse
One of the most challenging screens in the app because it has a lot of actions.
The first screen I designed included all the functions together, but in the usage tests I divided between the date and time in order to make it easier for the users. In the test I got important feedback that there are people who need to see the time to decide on the day and I reconnected them. I then received further important feedback that the nurse herself is less important than the date and time so I reduced the area the nurse occupies. Until the latest version the nurse appears at the end and the date first.

The final screen - Book a nurse
The user can choose the figure that is most important to him whether it is a certain day or a certain time.
Who the nurse is is less relevant so the drop down went down to the bottom of the screen
And will see the availability by the selected date and time
2. The Tests
Feature: 2 weeks after the nurse came to take the metrics, the results are fed into the app and the user receives a notification that the results ready. The indices taken are - blood tests, DNA Tests, ECG and Microbiome.
The purpose of this page is to get the user to delve into his health condition
Users wanted to see the problematic metrics first, It did not interest them to learn about blood values that were within the normal range, and wanted to see the result in a more visual way.
The presentation of the results should be more concise and concrete.
Displays a summary of the test and below a visual presentation of the abnormal dimensions

The iteration - Tests
The first feedback was that the users wanted to see the bottom line at first glance.
At the screen below the process of improving the screens is noticeable.
In the iterations shown below, The results are displayed on a bar that shows where the user is located relative to the values defined as normal, but the bar was small and not visually clear enough so it was eventually replaced.

The final screen - Test results
1. The tests menu contributes to the navigation's ease
2. The results are comparing the user with the average results making it more relatable.
3. If the user is interested, they can read more about each metric.

3.The diet plan
Feature: A personalised menu i created based on the tests results.
My thought was to give users a lot of control and editing options so they can feel in control and build the menu that suits them best. In practice the users wanted to mess with the menu as little as possible.
There are editing options that only complicate matters and the user has to do a lot of actions which
contradicts the passive nature of the persona - David

The iteration - Diet plan
In one of the iteration the name, Diet Plan had changed to The Weekly Menu.
The weekly menu is a feature that appears in the diet plan for the premium membership and in the treatment plan as a sample for the basic free members.
Once I understand that people want to be told what to do and all the editing options make them confuse them and not rely on the professionalism of the product, The screens was changed to 3 given options to choose from after answering a preference questionnaire


The final screen - Weekly menu
In the current screens the user is given an explanation of the following steps.

The menu itself offers 3 options for each meal during the week.
A short questionnaire gathers information about users' eating habits to create a menu as close as possible to the form of eating they are already familiar with
The packet page explains why this packet was selected and how it supports user metrics.
The user can add the groceries to a shopping list.
3.The Navigation
The navigation evolved a lot during this process
The navigation iterations is a great way to show how much thinking was put in the process and how much the app has developed.
Through most of the process the tabs functions remained the same and only the design changed, that is because, in all of the tests that was made there wasn't a single comment about the navigation, it was clear. In the last version the navigation is changed. The setting are out and the chat button takes an important place. Now the user can perform any action they want with the help of their advisor. The changes were made because of feedback given in general, the app needed more support.

The final navigation bar
Premium users have the option to receive support and according to the conclusions of the study this is one of the things that is most important to them.
The main menu is update to support this finding by moving the chat button from the top right corner to the menu and the account is taken out of it. The Chat feature now gets a more suitable position.

Now the user can get help from his advisor and perform any task through the chat, like in this case, booking the nurse.
The Basic user
Treatment Plan
The feature was created to address another persona created after the research. This persona is younger and wants to find solutions to a medical problem she is dealing with herself.
The Secondary Persona - Adi
Age: 31 years old
Location: Tel Aviv
Status: Single
Occupation: Law intern
Irritable bowel for the past year
About: Adi specializes in a law firm. A year ago she began to suffer from severe abdominal pain. After many tests she was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. The doctors prescribed her pills but she realized that they would not solve the problem. By virtue of being
a spiritual person she began to explore different ways to treat herself.

The Findings - Basic user
Treatment Plan
Feature: The basic route user can form their own treatment plan and get a sample menu, based on a questionnaire.
In the usability tests the screens were built so that the users mark in their heart what they are looking for and the system builds a program on this basis.
The built-in program allowed the user to edit the tasks, manage a shopping list and get a menu.
After the tests the screens were changed to a process where users select the content they want to receive and answer a questionnaire.
These screens look like this:

After the tests the screens were changed to a process where users select the content they want to receive and answer a questionnaire.
These screens look like this:
Un the first 2 screen the user mark the checkboxes that are relevant for their condition and the information they would like to receive about it.

The result is a portal that centralizes all their choices and a sample menu.
One of the features in the portal is user's success stories together with the sample menu encouraging the basic plan user to upgrade
their membership

They then need to fill out a short questionnaire that helps build an example of a customized plan that will encourage them to purchase the premium subscription.